A particularly frightening aspect of this, is that it came out of nowhere. I long ago learned that what I was told by my then city’s health care office was untrue and have been doing what I can to protect myself and family from it. Then I learned of FATCA/FBAR and CBT, and after studying this unholy trinity learned that this is no way out. Then the pension office sends notice. I am not being facetious when I state that I wonder what other program/s that one would naturally think would be covered by the income taxes we pay notifies me that I am decades behind in paying. Am I at some point going to get a massive bill for missed unemployment insurance payments? How about workman’s comp? Is there now DEI, ESG, SDG programs that we are to pay but are not taken from income taxes? I have no idea and I do not want to give them any ideas by asking.
In my ward, as in others, my taxes are used to pay for plastic partitions in the ward office. Some people are under the impression that these grow on the plastic-partition tree. They serve no purpose--partitions as well as ward employees. I want my money back. I will use it to remove the graffiti which now covers the walls in my neighborhood. They have no understanding of the Broken Window theory around here, even though there is precedence in Hokkaido many years back.
I bet that we are paying for their masks too, and the full body paper suits, face shields, gloves and disinfectant used at least by my city’s tax prep office for at least two years during tax filing season.
Every other paper bill i receive in the mail has new Terms of Service. The "fine print" in vogue now states that if you continue to use the service/card/app/etcetera YOU are compliant and supplicant to their demands.
You must use Their Arbiter in any disagreement.
Oh, and we are certainly moving quickly to a cashless existence. I'm really tired.
Did it turn out that they expected you to pay for their counting your payment in coins? (Even though the coins were prepackaged and labeled with the total amount, fgs!)
Incidentally, it is because of coins that it was one of the few times I had to wear a mask before late 2021. I kept coins in a large fish bowl for years. Normally, when I finally broke down and turned them into dollars, I used the change coin changers in Kroger. At Krogers, they required people to wear masks to go, so I decided the bright thing to do would be to go to the drive thru bank, offer coins there, and get them exchanged.
Instead, they could not handle those coins at the drive-thru and had to go in..which again, required a mask.
A Kroger checkout clerk assaulted my 85yr old Aunt who tried to pay for her groceries without wearing a mask. Aunt B was chased out of the store... But thankfully was not hurt as she "oopsie-dropped" the glass pickle jar from her abandoned cart.
In Houston, 2021. Her son had gone to the parking lot to retrieve his truck to curbside. He had shoo'd away the mask-Nazis in the store, she was glared at, distanced and challenged. She prevailed until alone with the checkout clerk.
I have always been a fan of those "piggy banks". They have always helped me in times of despair. And they probably pay more interest that your standard Japanese savings account. You could sell the metal after you are done and make more money than you would from the local banks.
A particularly frightening aspect of this, is that it came out of nowhere. I long ago learned that what I was told by my then city’s health care office was untrue and have been doing what I can to protect myself and family from it. Then I learned of FATCA/FBAR and CBT, and after studying this unholy trinity learned that this is no way out. Then the pension office sends notice. I am not being facetious when I state that I wonder what other program/s that one would naturally think would be covered by the income taxes we pay notifies me that I am decades behind in paying. Am I at some point going to get a massive bill for missed unemployment insurance payments? How about workman’s comp? Is there now DEI, ESG, SDG programs that we are to pay but are not taken from income taxes? I have no idea and I do not want to give them any ideas by asking.
In my ward, as in others, my taxes are used to pay for plastic partitions in the ward office. Some people are under the impression that these grow on the plastic-partition tree. They serve no purpose--partitions as well as ward employees. I want my money back. I will use it to remove the graffiti which now covers the walls in my neighborhood. They have no understanding of the Broken Window theory around here, even though there is precedence in Hokkaido many years back.
I bet that we are paying for their masks too, and the full body paper suits, face shields, gloves and disinfectant used at least by my city’s tax prep office for at least two years during tax filing season.
Worth looking into. We could file the Japanese equivalent of a FOIA but it would probably be 95% blacked out.
Of course we did. They pay nothing for anything needed for “work”.
Every other paper bill i receive in the mail has new Terms of Service. The "fine print" in vogue now states that if you continue to use the service/card/app/etcetera YOU are compliant and supplicant to their demands.
You must use Their Arbiter in any disagreement.
Oh, and we are certainly moving quickly to a cashless existence. I'm really tired.
Wait till the compliance statement covers reporting requirements that are, shall we say “extra constitutional”.
Keep fighting Kitsune…your courage is very inspiring.
Thanks, but I’m not really fighting. I’m just getting klobbered.
Still paying for the pension with coins will be seen as a thumb to the nose to the bureaucratic authorities.
Agreed. I may have to borrow this idea.
Did it turn out that they expected you to pay for their counting your payment in coins? (Even though the coins were prepackaged and labeled with the total amount, fgs!)
Yes. Had to pay ¥550 for them to count my coins with a counting machine. All they do is dump them in.
Confound those confounding factors but congratulations on the new job!
Thanks. Gotta find some flotsom to keep me afloat until then.
Sounds like you are escaping from Cuba.
Apart from the language, is there a difference?
Yes. Most people here don't even realize the conditions they are living in.
Conditions "here" and everywhere...
The complacent majority is deluded with bread and circuses.
I will make a correction: "Here" on Earth.
--. --- -.. ... .--. . . -.. / .- -. -.. / --. --- --- -.. / .-.. ..- -.-. -.-
I just realized it must be since the title of this Kitsune piece is S.O.S.
Is this Morse code? (Just curious.)
Yes Mam! Copy & paste in browser for translation.
🌟 Joy to the world. We need Peace on Earth.
Very clever of you, BetterOffRed.
As translated: GODSPEED/ AND/ GOOD/ LUCK
An appropriate message for Kitsune -- and for all of us.
Incidentally, it is because of coins that it was one of the few times I had to wear a mask before late 2021. I kept coins in a large fish bowl for years. Normally, when I finally broke down and turned them into dollars, I used the change coin changers in Kroger. At Krogers, they required people to wear masks to go, so I decided the bright thing to do would be to go to the drive thru bank, offer coins there, and get them exchanged.
Instead, they could not handle those coins at the drive-thru and had to go in..which again, required a mask.
Actually, similar to my experience. Can’t win for losing.
A Kroger checkout clerk assaulted my 85yr old Aunt who tried to pay for her groceries without wearing a mask. Aunt B was chased out of the store... But thankfully was not hurt as she "oopsie-dropped" the glass pickle jar from her abandoned cart.
Yay for the non-compliers!
I like the cut of her jib.
!!!!!! When was this?
In Houston, 2021. Her son had gone to the parking lot to retrieve his truck to curbside. He had shoo'd away the mask-Nazis in the store, she was glared at, distanced and challenged. She prevailed until alone with the checkout clerk.
Shocking at any time, but glad it was not recent. Though, masks are coming back in certain areas and never really left others.
I have always been a fan of those "piggy banks". They have always helped me in times of despair. And they probably pay more interest that your standard Japanese savings account. You could sell the metal after you are done and make more money than you would from the local banks.
What a Kafkaesque nightmare.
I couldn't have imagined even 15yrs ago a Substack.
Sharing info, struggles, triumphs and empathy does make the world connected.
Thanks for sharing your trials Kitsune. We're rooting for you.
Yes, we are.