Apr 18Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

The quotation you cite is from this:


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That’s it, thanks. The whole thing is worth a read but is terrifying. Much of it I knew, along with the horrid state of our submarine fleet and the Air Farce’s “OMG, ya gotta be kiddin’ me!” Shortage of pilots.

We are faucied.

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Apr 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

A lot of time and great effort has been expended on deleting the capable.

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True, that.

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Apr 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

I looked at Chinese, it is hopeless, especially at 68! I guess I'm automatically part of The Resistance. So be it.

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Reading and writing may be with in my grasp, have once learned many of the Japanese kanji but listening comprehension of spoken Chinese is beyond my ability.

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May 14Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

All of the ineptitude from the top down is by design to weaken all areas of the country in as many ways as possible. From the get-go, deliberately leaving 85 billion dollars worth of new military equipment is nothing short of aiding and abetting the enemy. This is part of the plan to introduce Communism as the political doctrine. 27,000 young military age Chinese men per month are now entering the US. If they are good and decent people, fine, but they should still be doing it legally. The current Administration is in violation of Federal law regarding immigration, but it seems it is being overridden by a United Nations pact which is also pushing all Central Americans to honor the pact they signed. Why did they sign it? Nicaragua didn't sign, so instead of being escorted by UN and US funding they are using known human traffickers to pass through Nicaragua. Check Epoch TV and Epoch Times. TV version has segment entitled Facts Matter. Another segment, Int'l Reporters Roundtable. Check Michael Yon there and others. Also Substack has.

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I cover much of this is other posts. The migration of illegal aliens is in line with the UN’s SDGs. It is by design. When the HHS sec. Says that everything is fine at the boarder, he is not lying. He is just implementing SDGs of the UN’s. The fact that the enforcement of US immigration law would prevent the SDGs from being met is not a concern of his nor that of the federal government.

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Apr 18Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Other countries play the long game.

Bridge building, and building in general has risk attached to it. Based on our Covid response, how many of us have the intestinal fortitude to build bridges? We don't even have faith in our own immunity. What do you think are the amount of people who have faith in our engineering capability to build new bridges. Hold on, I'll ask Chat GBT....

I think China sees things as they are. Has watched other empires come and go. They know the cycles, they can play to the weaknesses, and just wait. But I don't blame them, without them we would still do it to ourselves. Critics of our country were not commenting on on the USA, they were commenting on human behavior. You can put a beaver on the roof of a skyscraper..it's going to search for ways to build a dam.

So much of this could be avoided if we turned off the narrative. The self recrimination, the "can't do" attitude. We could cut ourselves off from the global sphere and figure things out for ourselves, if we so choose. If we removed all the hamstrings and restrictions and governors, and got back to pursuing our happiness and actually understanding what it meant outside of indoctri-nation.

I think people can still build this country. And build it back. I think during the California Earthquake it was evident things could get rebuilt ahead of schedule if offered the right incentives.

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Exactly, which is why I say we are our own worst enemy. I know we still have capabilities, look too at Florida. A hurricane wiped out a series of bridges connecting a chain of islands. The state rebuilt them amazingly fast. But where the feds hold sway, we are in bad shape. True too with certain states as well.

The American people have the ability and know how to get it done, but various levels of government make it almost foolhardy to the point of self sacrificial to attempt to fix anything in many parts of the country.

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I think I had some further thoughts on this, but then that one the Obiden cabinet put in charge of the US military flashed before my eyes... whatever happened to that one?

Anyway, I think it's pretty clear that for their brave new globalist world their intention is to have the peasants live in a 'every man for himself' world, marked and tracked like cattle; while the clowns, the "we the elite" crowd, have their personal armies protecting their properties.

Just look at when and where the police forces were put into action during BLM, the unmarked assault personnel they sent in to stomp down the peaceful trucker protests, and how WEF has its own paramilitary police force proudly showing off their WEF-marked uniforms.

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