Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Run! I couldn't do it. I'm just over it. I will not participate in this fantasy land. I applaud you for your perseverance, and yet it makes me wonder what compells you to submit to operating in this environment? Push back everywhere! If one person does, another may be emboldened to do so. We are not sheep. This idolatry of empowering hanging plastic, face diapering, and 6 ft distancing is literally insanity. Sorry.

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I am being asked why I have lost of my positions and not looking for more away from being homeless. I do not and will not wear a mask as we are instructed. But I am so under employed that I have been unable to financially support my family for over a year.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Kudos. There is honor in such struggles, and while martyrdom is not fun, it has always been a precipitant of needed change. Hang in there Brother.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

What, that's ridiculous. What part of following the science is that. I missed that in school.

And then I missed it again in practice. However, I did retire in 2017.

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Oh, that’s nothing. Below is redacted, machine translation of an email I received from another med school when I was employed there.

I would to get your thoughts on this.

Head of Hospital, ID REMOVED

Chairman of The Committee on Measures against Infection Prevention

Ver. 20210526

New Lifestyle Standards for Faculty and Staff,

XXXXXXXXX Hospital, MMMMMMMMM School of Medicine


1. Wearing a mask (nonwoven fabric) (prevention of droplet infection)

( A ) Faculty and staff are required to wear masks in indoor common places such as on-site classrooms, corridors, toilets, and hospitals. Always wear a mask other than when eating, drinking, blowing your nose, brushing your teeth, or smoking. Cover both the mouth and nose.

Grounds: Medical school students are required to wear masks when they enter the main building (at the student's own expense). Patients are asked to wear masks in the hospital (patients are preparing themselves).  

( B ) Do not touch the surface of the mask. If it is to be touched, hand hygiene must be performed before and after.  

( C )  Use a different mask for commuting and another for work.

2. Prevention of contact infection

( A ) Avoid contact with others other than medical care and medical examinations.

( B ) Do not touch your eyes or mouth with your hands. When touching cannot be avoided, carry out proper hand hygiene is made.

3. About hand hygiene

( A ) Hand hygiene is carried out with alcohol, such as quick-drying hand sanitizers in principle (wash hands with soap when there are reactions to alcohol or when dirt is visible). When treating patients in the hospital, carry hand sanitizer with you at all times.

( B ) WHO guidelines for hand hygiene timing (1) before touching the patient (2) before clean / sterile work (3) when there is a possibility of exposure to body fluids (4) after touching the patient (5) after touching any items around the patient.

Hand hygiene should also be carried out before breaks, before and after meals, before and after using the toilet, when entering the hospital from the medical office and when entering the hospital, before and after touching common objects (keyboard, mouse, touch panel, etc.).

4. About meals

( A ) Meals are to be consumed alone.  Do not eat or drink in groups of two or more people (defined here as 会食).  

( B ) Do not have conversations during meals.

( C ) Ensure at least 1 m of distance between people and try to avoid sitting face to face as much as possible.    

( D ) Do not get or give people meals.

( E ) Don't use tableware.

( F ) Hydration is carried out in the staff room, etc., and not in the patient areas such as the corridors.

5. About meetings

( A ) Encourage web conferencing.

( B ) When holding a meeting, keep the distance between people.    

( C ) Improve ventilation and provide sufficient ventilation.

( D ) The meeting should be held in a short time.

6. About the break

( A ) During breaks, the room should be ventilated (about once every 30 minutes).   ( B ) Conversations should not be carried out without being masked.

( C ) Do not have long conversations.

( D ) Perform hand hygiene before taking a break.

( E ) Select an individual responsible for implementing staff room rules to ensure they are carried out before and after use.

7. Conversations on the university and in the hospital

( A ) Do not talk in narrow passages or corridors.  

( B ) Do not have loud conversations.

( C ) Don't talk while walking.

8. About conferences

( A ) Do not keep the station dense.    

( B ) Improve colds and provide sufficient ventilation.

( C ) The implementation time is short.

New Lifestyle Standards for Faculty and Staff, XXXXXXXXX Hospital, XXXXXXXXXX School of Medicine

(Daily Life)

1. About physical condition management

( A ) When there is poor physical condition such as fever, cold symptom, taste disorder, etc., do not commute, and confirm the correspondence to the affiliation. If the cause of fever is unknown, you will be staying at home until 4 days after fever according to the rules of the University .

( B ) The temperature is performed before going to work, and it records it.

( C ) If there are symptoms such as fever, cold symptom, taste disorder, etc. in the family, and PCR test needs to be carried out and the member must wait for the result and the correspondence is confirmed before the faculty/staff member can return to work.

2. Commuting and transportation use

( A ) When using public transportation, wear a mask and ensure proper social distancing protocols.  

( B ) Refrain from conversations on public transportation such as buses and trains as much as possible.

( C ) Overseas travel must comply with University regulations.

3. About meals

( A ) Do not eat or drink (defined  here as a 会食) in groups of two or more people other than with your family members.  

( B ) Do not have conversations while eating out.

( C ) Do not talk as much as possible when eating at home.

4. Lifestyle

( A ) Avoid snuggling. Maintain social distance.

( B ) Don't have long conversations with others.  (wear a mask)  

( C ) Hand hygiene should be performed before and after meals, before work, and after returning home after touching items touched by others.

( D ) Wear a mask in the family depending on the situation.  

( E ) Avoid situations where more than one person exercises indoors.

5. Ceremonial occasions

( A ) Check the prevalent situation in your area of residence or place of attendance, and consider participating remotely if moving or staying is a risk.

6. Participation in travel and events

( A ) When traveling, check the trendy situation of the residential area and the planned travel destination, and stop traveling if travel or stay is a risk. Don't have meals with others at the destination.

( B ) Participation in large-scale events such as sports watching confirms the epidemic situation in the residential area and the place of scheduled attendance, and if movement or participation becomes a risk, participation is postponed. Avoid having meals in the presence of others when participating.

7. Returning home

( A ) The minimum necessary for returning home is to be made.  

( B ) Do not have meals with others when returning home.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Terrible. Are they also rolling out vax mandates?

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Sorry, I just saw what exactly you were referring to.

First, this list of covid measures is from 2021 and was still operative when I departed that institutions of higher insanity in March 2022. I do not know what they have been doing at that school since then.

However, on the question of vaccines for the student body, see the redacted, machine translated email from the same school below. As stated in the text, this was sent AFTER students got the required “vaccine”.


“Request for investigation of side effects and adverse events after vaccination with the new corona

The Xxxxxxxxxxxxx University School of Medicine has completed the vaccination with the new coronavirus vaccine, which is a major step toward regaining a student life close to the conventional one.

This time, we will investigate the side reactions after vaccination with the new coronavirus in the medical school.

Since the new coronavirus vaccine is a new vaccine, data on side effects and adverse events of students, faculty and staff after vaccination are extremely valuable.

The survey results will be published in papers, etc., but since the survey will be conducted anonymously, there is no concern that personal names will be published.

Participation in this survey is not compulsory. Please participate freely. Participation can be interrupted freely.

Whether or not you participate in this survey and the content of your answers do not affect your academic performance, employment, personnel assessment, etc.

The survey uses Google forms to conduct an anonymous survey.

Please use this form to complete the questionnaire.”

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Wow, they have some nerve. They mandate that the students take these experimental shots, based on zero scientific evidence that they're needed or safe, and then they assure them that taking part in this survey is purely voluntary.

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The voluntary part is participating in the study. The interesting aspect of this is that after they get every vaxxed they tell them, “Oh by the way, they shot we just forced you to get, there is no data on its safety and effectiveness so please let us know how it works on you.”

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Yes, that was exactly my point. The sad part is that a significant number of students will experience life-changing side effects. Insult to injury, they will likely be ignored or gaslighted if they report those injuries. Plus some of them will die before being able to even take part in the survey.

I don't have any statistics on Canadian medical students, but at least 180 doctors in Canada have died since the shots were rolled out.


And who knows how many doctors are now too incapacitated to work as a result of the clot shots. And yet vaccine mandates are still in place for healthcare workers in my province., and anyone who refuses is not eligible to collect employment insurance.

We live in a clown world. They really are trying to kill us. Excess mortality rates are skyrocketing in the nations with the highest vaccination rates.

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I have but one comment to make.

Communism, plain and simple.

Eat alone, I guess next we'll be drinking alone, smoking alone, shitting alone, and masking alone. And you must have a second mask, then a third, and even a fourth. It never ends, never, never, ....

I know what you're feeling, I felt it too, as did 1000's of other Americans, then we got smart and thew out the damn masks, ignored orders to wear them, and even the police agreed with us since they couldn't arrest us all.

What is wrong with the Japanese people, has their will to conform to any rule, to anything, greater than their will to live.

I remember that day, as usual I was going to WalMart for our barely affordable supplies, it was the same as usual, except no one was out front, and no one inside was wearing a mask! Well, that's an exaggeration, about 1/3 were not. I quickly joined this group, me, as if I never left, careful to stuff the mask good and far out of sight. I was almost embarrassed I followed others, of course I've never been a follower, and all my life I damn sure didn't want anyone else following me.

Well, the next day came, and I had to go up to Auto Zone for something, and they had the mask mandate and 6 foot separation, and plastic barriers up like everybody else. Fuck that shit, my car doesn't have Covid, and neither do I.

It took about a month after we violated Covid protocols. Then the barriers came down, no barriers, no Covid. And what the hell, so you caught the flu, it's not the end of the world, by that time I couldn't order any more Ivermectin but had enough anyway.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Well said Edwin. For me it was years ago, in Whole Foods. I simply completely refused ANY request to wear a mask or leave. To this day, 2 years later, perhaps 3, I am shocked I was not arrested. I just kept pushing the cart, at times in to employees or other customers, sheepishly insisting I mask up. I got yelled at, gang blocked, and even cursed by old assholes, some of whom literally were double masked (paper under plexiglass).

Suppose the true meaning of this long running shame ritual and struggle session, is to show folks like us, that, "resistance is futile." However, THEY are going to learn, that people who reach their breaking point, break in very hard to predict ways.

Hail Victory. Fuck the Authoritarian Left.

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I was told last we that as a medical university we are under special obligation to get them. However, last year, after the students got their 3 shot, the school made the boosters available only for those who wanted them. I do not yet know if students are still required to get the initial round 2 rounds before they can attend class.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Any medical school that mandates these dangerous shots should be stripped of its academic credentials. And the students who comply clearly lack backbone and judgment.

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I agree. But which ones haven’t?

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

This is insane! We must resist, and fight back against this insanity, or we lose.

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Yep. But we are few.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

No Sir. We are led to believe we are few. There is a growing and searing RAGE, even in those too weak to have previously resisted. And, in Japan, this rage might be better suppressed due to cultural norms and manners, but it can and should be cultivated. Leftist/Communist nations and ideologies very often go through a much tighter cycle than reason based and Natural Law based regimes. They rise and break FAST. Keep resisting.

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To me, that point was passed decades ago. A person just got sentenced to 22 years in prison for participating in the J 6th riot when he was not even there while a lefty looney got 5 years for intentionally running over a ten agree he claims is a Trump supporter. And nothin IG is DONE. We accept it. Need I go into the LGBTQFTFO BS that is allowing little girls to be raped in their restrooms and changing rooms by men dressed as women? If I were in the States, I would be in prison or dead. This BS needed to ended decades ago.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

The people who completely rule our world have discovered, after 100 years of Tavistock mapping, exactly how to best control perhaps 80% of the world's populace. Through very careful control of information and mis-information, they exacerbate and exploit these flaws in our species, effectively neutering those who use reason, and subjugate emotion.

If I were a shitty person (typically known as a "Leftist") I might even admire the foul humans who have placed this Gordian knot around our throats. But, I remain committed to arcane things like truth, integrity and human dignity...and continue to contend that typing, praying and voting might not be the true path out. Matter of fact, there may not be a path out. Which begs a rather ugly question, "is existence worth it among such a besotted species?"

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Theresa Tam says masks are coming back


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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

We can't allow these psychopaths do this to us again.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023Author

They never really left here in Japan. I have yet to see much less than 50% wearing them after the recommendation to do so was dropped on May 8th. Before then, 100% except for the odd balls, such as my self, who were too few by far to move the percentage a full point. I got thrown out of a bar on September first this year (2023) for not having a mask. First time in a long time that I have suffered that indignity.

Signs ain’t good.

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Sorry, I accidentally sent my reply to you to Claudia, below.

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I didn't realise Japan was so bad or that it never really abandoned anti-scientific Covid 'protection' measures. I think you need to find a way to leave. No sane person can exist in such an environment for year after year. It will crush you and your family.

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Wife and kids are Japanese. Wife works for Pfxxx. I jump ship or go down with it. As a former pit snipe, I go down with the ship.

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Oh dear. That's so terribly grim. What can I say. You are in my thoughts. These monsters are not giving up, not even in the west. Today, unbelievably, a lawyer is having to go back to court to fight against the imposition of dystopian quarantine regulations in New York, which were thrown out last year.

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They will keep bringing this nonsense back until we destroy them.

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Do not comply. It's up to all of us to say NO.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Nothing untoward re the plandemic is happening here in NZ, most likely because it's an election year, and in about a month, the handlers of the current ruling (WEF globalist) Prime Minister "Chippy" Hipkins of the Labour Party will either retain power, or hand it over to the handlers of the selected (WEF globalist) leader of the National Party, Christopher Luxon. Yes, we have a Uniparty managed by the globalist overlords just as there is in the USA, with the unhinged Marxist Democrats and the equally traitorous RINOs . "They" like to give us a choice, so that we can pretend to "throw the bums out" in election years. But once the election is over, no doubt whichever of the globalist parties in NZ (Labour or National) wins will roll out the next phase of fear porn to ramp up the new plandemic restrictions, as is currently being done in Canada and the US. And Kiwis are little trusting, insular hobbits who don't learn a damn thing from history, including recent history.

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There is only one way this ends.

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I do not have any advice, all any sane person can do is follow their principles. I send my respect and thoughts of success.

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The insanity of 'Lost in Space', a prelude to murderous tyranny.

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Sorry to hear this. I am to the point now where I would think of inventive ways to point out the absurdity of all this. As if a plastic barrier reduces transmission of an aerosolized particle. I was thinking I would create a face shield that extended either as an umbrella or a dome around my head. They would probably ask..."but won't the virus leak out from under" and I would respond "but won't it leak out over and around?" Worse yet. I bet the one that placed them there didn't explain why, they would say they were just following orders.

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“Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore it if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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deletedSep 13, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.
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For me, this is still the first time around. There has been brief, partial respites every now and then, but it has one ended. Close to 50% of the people I see daily are still masked; locals and foreign tourists alike.

I agree that seeing people thus fitted out at the supermarket is depressing. While no longer universal, many still are still wearing masks and or face shields. The hard plastic barriers around the cashiers equipped with miniature microphones and speakers so that you can communicate with the masked and gloved cashier are still in place. The spraying and whipping of grocery baskets and carts either has begun anew are I was mistaken in believing they actually stopped the practice. However, the most depressing I have encountered are the masked school children, my kids still not being allowed to speak during lunch and the worst, my ten year old having difficulty understanding spoken language as all around him wear a mask except for when he is at home or the rare time he is with me.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Child Speech Issues Are at Historic Highs in the United Kingdom, a New Report Found—and We All Know Why


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Not according to an esteemed colleague from Down Under who has a Masters in English Education. She told me that she “will never believe masks are ineffective against viruses.”, and discounted my child’s hearing issues as something, anything other than the masks.

I told her that not only her own education stressed the importance of listing to clearly enunciated, unencumbered speaking but that studies world wide have found similar problems with massive numbers of elementary school children. She has not sent any email to me since. Caught a glimpse of her yesterday on campus. Masked. Over edjyamacated idjit.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

What a moron. I'd like to slap her upside her precious mask.

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You are not alone.

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At the gym this morning, I watched some masked retard slather on hand sanitizer, and then amble off to do very light weights. He looked like a beaten, weak, apparition of a real human. Perhaps late 50's, he looked 70's. I know that jabbed visage well by now. It is incredible, how we unjabbed, can recognize our own. This will become one of the most demarcating lines in human existence in a decade. Subsuming the divisions of ideology, Nation, class, gender and generation. Only race will remain a more defining characteristic.

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