Sep 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

I grew up in Santa Monica in SoCal (Southern California). It's becoming just as unsafe and economically gutted as most cities in the USSA, which itself is going the way of all empires.

Video entitled "WTF happened to Santa Monica, California?"


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The video is depressing and exactly what was to be expected from the covid lockdowns. I am working on a second piece, Decay Japan and was considering including some of the closure signs on businesses during and after the panic. After seeing the video in your link, I think I will.

However, the covid damage comes atop decay that was well underway before the lockdowns during the panic, which, to me, just shows that we are entering the end game for their plans.

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What I have been hearing and seeing from the left coast is truly shocking. Saw a bit of it myself stationed in San Diego. When I arrived San Diego was in the top 5 most livable cities in the States. Less than two years later it was not even in the top 20. Gangs moved in and were killing off cops faster than they could be replaced. I used to ride my bike in from Imperial Beach when my ship was in the yards. Eventually, the area just out side the gate became off limits and I could no longer ride in. A sailor was knifed just outside the gate and this prospected the off limits designation. Seems that it has continued into downward spiral. Sad. Such a beautiful city it too once was.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.


But, diversity is our strength.

Unless it's white Christians.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Same in Canada. Open drug use is everywhere, enabled and encouraged by the state. The government doles out "safe" heroin and meth to anyone. Sandwich boards in Vancouver openly advertises cocaine and crack pipes for sale like hot dog stands of old. All the traditional Christian holidays have been cancelled. Last year the Canadian federal government removed all vestiges of "Christmas" from anything official. Few people put up lights anymore in that woke country, but LGBTWTFBBQ gets an entire "pride season" and flags for every sexual fetish hang proudly in public school gymnasiums.

On the other hand, the last two Christmases our family has spent in small-town Japan has had FAR more Christmas spirit than anything even I've ever experienced in Canada, with much deeper meaning and significance. Our kids are getting a childhood like children growing up in the 80s and 90s. I have no regrets moving our family here.

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Sep 16Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Obama took office in January 2009. Of course he was a product of the Chicago machine politics that produced this catastrophic hollowing out of the urban core of Chicago - but that got started back in the 60s if not before. And yes the war on Christianity has accelerated the decay, not just in Chicago but in all urban centers that are governed by non believers. Very sad to see

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One party rule for decades has proved more destructive than atomic bombs.

The decline started long ago, but accelerated to Plaid speed in a short period of time.

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Humanity sucks now, Kitsune. Completely.

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Ever sad - you're a great storyteller - very engaging.

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That's one grim and sad rendition of "you can't go home again".

My condolences for your loss.


Between 1994 and 2004, Chicago underwent several significant changes:

Urban Development: The city saw extensive urban renewal projects, including the transformation of Navy Pier into a major tourist destination and the redevelopment of the South Loop area.

Economic Growth: Chicago’s economy grew, driven by the finance, technology, and service sectors. The city also became a hub for corporate headquarters, attracting major companies.

Cultural Expansion: The city’s cultural scene flourished with the opening of new museums, theaters, and music venues. The Chicago Cultural Center became a focal point for arts and culture.

Infrastructure Improvements: Major infrastructure projects included the expansion of O’Hare International Airport and the construction of new public transit lines.

Social Changes: The city experienced demographic shifts, with an increase in diversity and changes in neighborhood compositions.


Basically everything listed as "good" here is likely the underlying reason for the decay.

Cultural & societal shifts; along with economic developments being concentrated in a few geographical areas, slowly draining away economic activity from other areas.

Then the effects of it all are further boosted by mass transit.

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