Jun 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Kitsune: Why aren't you answering my question. Michael Yon is in Japan. He is saying that Japan is going to unleash a bioweapon. Do you know anything about this? Let me know. Thanks :-)

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Lynn, I have, multiple times.

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Jun 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Oh that would be a tough pill for older Japanese to swallow I'd imagine, judging from my experiences in the early 80s there. But if the youngsters are all shot up to the eyeballs and autistic like North Americans, it will be an easy sell to them.

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My college kids are all for it. Have no idea of the reality of it, no matter, they are all for it. The older folk seemed resigned to it: shoganai.

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Jun 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Oh dear .... I can understand how, on the face of it, a fresh faced youngster would embrace the ideas but once they start seeing the tyranny in action, I hope they'll resist. Trans ideology is losing its foothold most everywhere but you'd never know it unless you were plugged into the resistance to losing women's and children's rights.

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Is it? I read articles from the US of parents losing their kids over not using the kid’s preferred pronouns.

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Jun 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Yes, it is and yes, parents lose their kids, in Canada as well (we call it TRANada because we are such horrible losers around mutilating and using children) for not following the trans cult BUT it is crumbling, like everything else - even though they've passed a law here (almost - supposedly to go into effect next year) to be able to imprison you if you "misgender" someone! LOL. 😂. Women fighting against this bowel of a movement globally, are making huge strides but most people don't know anything about what actual feminists do every day. The tranny plans were hatched at the UN (no surprise) quite a long time ago (the Yogyakarta principles https://data.unaids.org/pub/manual/2007/070517_yogyakarta_principles_en.pdf) so that is one of the main areas necessary to take on which women have been doing for years and years and years. But by no means is that the only battleground. Also, people are finally starting to feel they can speak the truth .... I mean we haven't won by any stretch of the imagination, but we're moving forward. Unfortunately permanently sterilizing and mutilating children wasn't shocking enough to wake people up but the fellas winning sports events and placements meant for women, really have most people up in arms.

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I hope you are right. I have a bit of a different viewpoint. The 1970 movie WATERLOO contains many quotes attributed to Wellington. The one at the end of the movie has stuck with me; “After a battle lost, the saddest thing is a battle won.” The fact we even have to fight these battles indicates that we have lost. Who “won” WW2? Those who lost the least. All lost. There are no winners in war, only losers, those who lost the most are labeled “losers” and those who lost the least are called the “winners” but all lost. This is my view here. I am not saying that we give up, for we cannot. But we lost the moment we had to fight to save us form such as we face today.

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Jun 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

That's all so very sad but I cannot disagree with you my friend. Not sure what your second sentence means because I think spell check or something screwed with your words.

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