Jul 1Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

These are the end times for western civilization, and deservedly so; instead of protecting its weakest members, it sacrifices them.

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I too feel we deserve this. We are allowing it to happen with barely a whimper. We certainly aren’t providing any meaningful resistance to it. If we are not willing to fight for our rights, we deserve to lose them.

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Jul 1Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

So it begins, immoral scientists have taken the great leap forward from their animal testing to human experimentation and they are progressing to children and babies. I know in the early days of vaccination the science charlatans targeted the vulnerable children and adults to experiment on but it was limited and done undercover away from the gaze of the public, this is not needed today, it has become open season for human experimentation and no one is spared. Covid has been the Trojan horse.

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And somehow, our God given rights do not protect us.

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Jul 12Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Based on the clip I saw a while ago of Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Kazuhiro Haraguchi decrying the COVID shots as deadly and "infernal," I was thinking that the Japanese public was waking up. I guess not.


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Posted in December 2022, I can now say that I was correct, sadly. This statement on the effectiveness of ivermectin against covid is not widely known. I do know that some doctors have started an underground supply line for it, secretly offering it to certain patients (gaijin only?) for ¥10,000 (80ish USD) per pill. But it was not and is not widely used and not used at all openly with but a few exceptions which are virtually unknown here.

Thus, the statements made by this former government official and current legislator are in my belief, not going to have the impact they should have.

But there are people you know and have known from the beginning. Most, but not all maintain their silence. Through substack I have met those who have, like myself, refused the play the game from the beginning, unlike me, their Japanese spouses support them and have the save thoughts on this. My wife works for Pf, so she and I are not of the same mind on anything covid. Here family too, are in exact opposition to my position. Her brothers and their wives and at least her mother are still masking. Having seen her father lately, so I do not know if he still is. Of all the different people I work with, only two besides myself are unmasked, one of whom only recently so. The Aussie has been unmasked throughout and the Japanese only this school year. I know many JN and gaijin who are against masks, who know that they do not work but wear them anyway, discounting my cautions against their perverse effects and deciding to keep their jobs.


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I did a piece on a Japanese doctor who spoke out about one aspect of the response here or another that was picked up by folks on “our side” of the fight in the States as evidence that Japan is coming around. Not necessarily so. I’ll find the posting and send you the link. It shows that while these public statements are indeed big events, they are denied the impact they deserve by not being widely broadcast here.

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Jul 1Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

There is a video on Dr. Makis' Substack today of 10 Japanese families recounting the injuries and deaths to their children from the shots. I wonder if their testimonies have been hidden from the Japanese public?

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Here is a link to an article I posted a while back on how things are reported upon, and not, in Japan.


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NHK, think of a prime time NPR, ran a story on a few families who lost a loved me to the shots. However, the show stated that they died of Covid.

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So if I get that right; they're looking for "healthy looking children aged 6 months to 12 years"? For something that, according to their statistics, only kills people closing in on their 70's?

It's also limited to those who haven't been infected by any new strain that has appeared past February 2023? Then why even bother with a vaccine if it has that poor transmittance?

There's some sort of note about "each hospital visit getting cheaper"? Do the participants pay for their visits or do they get some sort of voucher?

This one's just weird from top to bottom!

They're really hammering it in with some 8 mentions of "vaccine" in that short ad at that.

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