Apr 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Hi....I found your email in my INBOX. It's surprising, because every time you write something related to politics they send it to my SPAM folder. So, some Leftists out there are paid to spy on the

American people.

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Now that is interesting.

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Your reply here was sent to my SPAM....Go Figure....

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Apr 24Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

All of Kitsune's posts are regularly sent by Tutanota into my spam file, so I simply go directly to his 'stack every day or so to check on new posts. Same thing happens with Meryl Nass's posts, no matter how many times I move them into my "in" box to try to train the algorithm.

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Apr 24Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

I do the same thing. But, Kitsune's substacks end up in my spam folder. One time here recently it was sent to my INBOX.

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Computers and I have a long standing love/hate relation ship. They love to hate me. I just hate them.

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These pics are incredible. Such a place of beauty and spirituality.

Thank You for posting.

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