Jun 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

That's a great idea for the Australian electricians.

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But will they do it?

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Jun 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

I doubt it and I agree with you that if it were attempted by a majority, there will always be at least one sell out, unfortunately. I'm praying for it nevertheless. You never know.

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Prayers are definitely called for.

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Jun 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.


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Jun 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

I know I have been lulled into a false sense of security pre Covid in the UK. People in power are the same all over, they want more power and they want more control, it is the nature of the beast. We have sells outs everywhere, in parliament and in all our institutions we have no independent safety controls defending our right for freedom, education, medical, legal, police, science, media, regulatory bodies and even religious institutions have sold out and will comply. Our freedoms were stripped during covid and they all complied with no critical questions asked. In fact they wanted more restrictions and penalties against anyone who resisted. I don't expect the push for digital id to be any different unless the populations themselves resist but that is probably a lost cause, if it comes to pass then we will controlled in every part of our life.

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Jun 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Kitsune: Have you read Michael Yon's substack about Japan and a bioweapon? Let me know. Thanks

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I have answered this at least once. All I found was opinions on Trump and Jews. If there is more there, I didn't find it the two times I went to his substack.

I my previous reply to you I did say that in my experience, Japan is prepared for nothing. The disaster drills you might have seen corporations do, are four show. I have seen one I worked for have their drills only to watch them do nothing at all when the 3-11 earth quake and tsunami hit. The only full timer who grabbed the evac kit was a newly hired temp worker. All the men stood chain smoking right under the building with all the glass windows as it danced in a “S” curve. If the widows popped out, they’d have been cut to ribbons. Once the big shake was over, back they trundled up to the 8th and 9th floors to resume works….until the next big after shock. They did this repeatedly with the lights flickering, water running out of the building and collapsed dry wall making it an obstacle course to climb or descend the stairs until the building manager finally refused to allow them to reenter. They laughed at me for leaving after the first shake with my bag, travel coffee mug and jacket. They ended up having to go home without even their coats, and the ladies in their heels and coatless.

They are prepared for nothing.

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Jun 19Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

When I was still teaching first-year uni students in the USA, I remember reading to my classes a haunting essay written by a survivor of one of the Twin Towers on 9-11. He described how when a huge jolt hit his tower, causing bits of material to fall from the ceilings, he grabbed his briefcase and headed to the elevator, all while a voice message was being broadcast for people to stay calm and stay put. His boss asked him where he was going, and he replied that we don't know what is happening, but if things are actually okay, he'll be back up in a few minutes, so he's taking his break NOW. His boss ridiculed him, and as he got on the elevator, he remembers the doors closing while some of his fellow colleagues were sitting at their desks laughing at him. He never saw them again, and his essay expressed that he was haunted by his memory of their faces as the elevator doors closed. He was the only one from his firm to survive.

The lesson was, of course -- DO YOUR OWN THINKING, ASSESS YOUR OWN RISK. Don't rely on others to tell you what is for your own "safety" (or in contemporary times, what is "safe and effective"). This survivor was absolutely correct -- if there was no actual risk, he'd be back in ten. All of his colleagues would have survived, too, if they weren't so thoughtlessly compliant. I remember the effect that essay had on my students, and I hope it stuck with them for the rest of their lives.

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Can you point me to where I can find that? While there several more recent cases, that would be a powerful one to have to share.

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Jun 21Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

I read that out to my class over 10 years ago -- since then, I've made two major moves (one to the other side of the world, as you know), and ended up with a nuked computer 3 years ago, in which I lost all my teaching materials and years of research. I learned my lesson and now have a hard drive backup device. Sorry, but I wouldn't know how to find that essay again.

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No worries. Yes, I know how things get lost in moves, especially to the far side of the planet.

Ouch! What a loss.

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Jun 17Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Trudeau has been pushing digital IDs for a while now. The very notion terrifies me.

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Is there any real push back against them?

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Jun 20Liked by Kitsune, Maskless Crusader.

Not that I can tell, unfortunately. I think people are too exhausted. Also, all cause mortality and disability rates have skyrocketed, so people are either caring for, or dealing with, illness or grieving those who have died. In addition, inflation is out of control so making ends meet is more of a priority.

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And that is by design, IMHO.

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The banality of evil is just too much.

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