Thanks for the update. In reality, it should be that 63% found our Harris is a moron. The other 37% already knew. In other news, T (The Orange Menace) stated that the "special guests" in Ohio were eating people's pets. In time, as with many things our prescient friend has said, this will prove to be true, I am afraid. Feline Lives Matter! (FLM).

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There have also been reports of a sudden depopulation of ducks and other semi-tame avians.

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Yes. I have heard about the ducks and the geese. The media are now in the denial stage. The next will be to try to normalize it. And before I forget, Duck and Goose lives matter!

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Ah, yes. That's the good thing about this, it made people bring up the fact that they tried to normalize cannibalism way back when.

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no no, you're wife found out from the mainstream media that Harris won the debate. I bet no one cited that the debate is irrelevant and chances are another "fix" is in. This time there won't even be a pause at night. While. like in a PCR test. they "find the votes" for Biden."

Maybe they should just vote by PCR test. "This person tests positive with Harris."

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They are going ahead with the depopulation despite however many "speed bumps" they hit.

At this point, there is nothing between the train and the valley floor.

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If the emails are stored on the unis computers; and you haven't set up your email client to store them locally, or if your email client is set up to sync the status of the emails to their server, then, yes, they can remove those emails without leaving much of any trace.

Speaking of masks. It seems so odd to see all these unmasked Chinese tourists everywhere.

Personally, I blame all these ACs both generating heat and pumping out heat. My proof is that it gets milder the lower the density of ACs are in the area.

Given what a majority of US people in polled areas put in their bodies... that result sounds mighty low, no?

Was this 'caught' based on test results or just their feeling?

I take it you haven't heard of MasterCard, among other payment processors, pushing their carbon credit card?

Well, individualists aren't exactly known for trying to push their worldview down other's throats and trying to affect someone else's beliefs basically goes against our beliefs so it's not exactly odd to see dictatorial worldviews land positions of power in most cases.

Of course, it also doesn't help that most like to celebrate even once step in a favourable direction as some sort of ultimate victory; see for example gamer gate, and their reaction towards news about 'backtracking' of die.

The majority of people are also such that they only want to be seen as 'normal' and spend their time doing 'what normal people does'.

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“Updates on various issues”? I’m just scrolling through my inbox and have to hit the road so no time for reading articles, but now you’ve got me hooked. Where do you come up with these zingers? Are you moonlighting at the Globe? I’ll be back!

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1. “COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility” - and that was what it was all about, they call it “social responsibility” I call it subjugation of the people and it was just a taste of the future they want for all humans on this planet.

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