"I'm glad I got vaccinated because I don't want to cause trouble to my family"

Should sadly make the tombstone epitaph a simple matter of mass production?

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Exactly that.

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beware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many believe in fact its coming back much sooner than we think check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are....be aware its a worldwwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including japan..that said dont waste your time using you tube/twitter/gestapo book as you can be sure they will censor and suppress it....it currently has over 267000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and also by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same....when resharing it a good place to start will be substack of course there are many others

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Thanks, I will sign it. However, this treaty will get signed, eventually. These people know what few on our side understand, that the battle between is constant and eternal. There has never been and never will be a final defeat of evil. Our side thinks there is. Many a time have we “finally deafened THE enemy only to wake up from our celebrations to learn that as we patted ourselves on the back at our victory, they snuck in and got what they wanted.

There is an old Japanese proverb that is apropos here. “After deafening the enemy, the victorious general tightens his helmet cords.” That is the only attitude that can have any hope of success.

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Good God I thought the Japanese enmass were awake to what has happened to them and what their government was responsible for and apologizing for? I’m totally confused.

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No no no no no no no… No no no.

You must have missed my earlier comment on all this. The Japanese government did NOT apologize for anything at all. They are silent on the issue other than to promote further clot shotting . In fact, just a few months ago I posted on them calling for volunteers from 6 months old through 12 for their own domestic clot shot.

A few Japanese doctors have tried to warn others and recently a politician got involved but the juggernaut rolls on.

No different than the ivermectin fiasco where many ion the West reported that Japan was using it and that was why they had so few cases in 2020. That was based on a doctor who headed a private medical doctor’s association in Tokyo expressing his opinion that was reported as an official statement from a government official.

1/4 to 1/3 are still masking here. My medical school still requires masks. So to do hospitals and clinics. Even the veterinarians are all masked in the Tokyo area. Almost all employees who deal with the public are still masked.

No, Japan is no more sane than anywhere else in the world.

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Thank you for this info, very much appreciated. This is horrifying to me, but we need to know what is happening to our fellow humans around the world. My husband has 50 yrs experience as virologist/immunologist, worked in many labs and used to help develop jabs back in 1970s - until he found out what was in them, (cancer cells just for one) then he quit and has never been jabbed since. You may want to read the book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" a true story and tells about cancer cells in jabs.

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Before the panic, I was not an antivaxxer. I never supported the flu shot for myself but was open to it if I live to old age. Now, I am against any and all “vaccines” regardless of how they are currently defined. These lying SOBs have lost my trust.

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Old people don't need flu shots as they have probably already had all variations of flu and their immune systems have built immunity to it. If you have impaired immune systems, MAYBE but there's still the cancer cells, aluminum etc. problem. I've only had 2 jabs since 1969 and those were forced on me. Haven't been jabbed in about 15 yrs, will soon be 70 and am doing fine.

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I hear you, I am with you on this. I was just stating where I was at the start of 2020 in regards to the flu shot. There was a lot left unsaid but I wanted to relay that I was open to them. Not now. I need not another vaccine. Erich I could more out of my kids but the wife works for Pf.

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I'm reading Dr. Mary's Monkey right now - I'm just after the first chapter. EXTREMELY difficult to stomach as they have included pictures of the torture they were (and still do) put those dear little lives through. It's sickening to the max.

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Perhaps a little less sane, after reading this.

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I thought they were too. This is horrifying to read.

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Seriously, why? I started writing on substack to dispel such myths. I am genuinely curious about from where they spring.

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I thought that because of articles and a video or two where a Japanese doctor was explaining the dangers of the injections. I was happy that the Japanese were waking up. I was wrong.

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Japan is no different in this regard than any other country. In the U.S. and other countries there are and have been those who have spoken out against every single step taken against the panic. They are ignored by TPTB. Same in Japan. There are those who have been vocal in their opposition to most of not all of the madness of the past four plus years, yet the madness continues all ahead full.

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Indeed confusing.

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Don't worry...this "summit" will fix everything..... wink, wink....

International Crisis Summit 2024 in Japan

A synopsis with photos https://jessicar.substack.com/p/international-crisis-summit-2024

...looks like no one is coming to save us......

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"National Movement to Protect Lives from the WHO"

Should go international.

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Hard to “❤️” this….

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Oh, how I do understand. I have long thought of that as a “thank you” for letting others know.

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Same with the Monkey Pox vaccine. The warning label states that the vaccinated person can infect the unvaccinated. https://www.fda.gov/media/75792/download#page13

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But doesn’t that require…um…some intimate contact?

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These jabs are different from previous ones - no it doesn't require "intimate contact", simply touching another individual can cause infection. There are nanobots in these jabs; it has been shown that nicotine patches will kill nano bots. See Dr. Bryan Ardis, he has a website and has investigated this - nicotine is NOT addictive, it's another chemical they put in cigarettes which make them addictive.

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Thanks EG! Love Dr. Ardis. He exposed the Covid vaccine to be a deadly weapon effective against humanity. He did it long before the numbers started accumulating.

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In WA state there were reports of children with Monkey Pox. I have no background in how they contracted it.

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I believe the pox created by the vaxx or the disease, both can transmit the disease. Monkey Pox is related to Small Pox.

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I guess "we will see."

I know at least one biologist who would say "RNA cannot pandemic" and I would assume that includes RNA created "vaccines" such as the "replicon vaccine using self-amplifying messenger RNA." Part of fighting the paradigm is the assertion there was a dangerous, novel, pathogen to begin with that "spread globally." I question that assertion.

I would be wary of this. My "conspiracy theory" sombrero thinks that this might be the way to "off ramp" some people from the ridiculous restrictions experienced over. the last five years that continue to self-hamstring many people worldwide. I'll continue trying to educate myself on all these new developments.

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I don’t know if it will be as bad as feared. No one does as it too was not tested properly, but that fact should be enough to scare the hell out of everyone. It doesn’t though.

They are also still shooting folks up with my wife’s company’s product. Covid never required a shot for it and even if it did, there are well known reasons to not vaccinate during epidemics and pandemics.

This is bad news anyway it’s cut, the only question is how bad.

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Nice sombrero you got there, Amigo.

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Even without the replion vax being as bad as some fear, the government here is STILL pushing the clot shot. My ability to keep that junk out of my kids’s arms is evaporating.

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Bodily autonomy is inalienable. Japan is a conformist's and a tyrant's paradise--much as we might love it otherwise. It's almost inconceivable that the last stand would happen there, but each of us will choose for himself. Related, another inalienable:


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Yet, it is our inalienable rights that get plowed under by the juggernaut each and every day.

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You can keep calm.

This "replicon" isn't as horrifying as their marketeers are trying to make it out to be.

It's basically an RNA recipe for producing the RNA recipe for the protein. Certainly no more infectious, or effective, than old vaccines using live viruses.

If this thing were a threat then we would've all been wiped out long ago.

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Kim, please do not downplay them. If they are no worse than Pf’s, there is cause for great concern.

At best, yet another, new and untried and untested technology is being injected into the bodies of a large number of people for a disease that never called for such intervention and for variants of it that are extinct before the shot can be administered. That is enough of a horror story.

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I am not downplaying them. I'm not comparing them to biontech, nor moderna, vaccines either, but the old transmissable ones that use live viruses.

This new Japanese one is no more a threat to pure bloods than what has already been released for the past 4 years. Neither better or worse, but rather a flatline.

I'd say the true horror lies not in what is administered but in people faithfully and blindly accepting these untested products with a horrible track record.

Come to think of it; it's very similar to how people at large still drink lubricant and gulp down various sugars despite those being horrible sources of energy, and bad for health, mind, and environment alike.

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True, most people mindlessly ingesting whatever they are spoon fed is by far the scariest of all of this.

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I've been stressed about this replicant vaccine since I first heard about it. If it's as bad as I fear, this truly is the end. The other thing I fret about is digital IDs, which will make it impossible to retain any freedom or privacy. Dark days.

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The digital ID issues predate the panic and I have been trying to warn about them and the whole system connected to them for years. Most do not care, do not think they have any reason to worry. Many others look forward to the “convenience” they offer.

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Nobody knows what this shot will do just as no one could know what the MRNA shots would do as they were never properly tested. But I doubt that they’ll be any safer than the clot shots that were already in use. I think that even if they are no worse than what was already going into peoples’ arms that this is truly terrible and should be stopped. However, many seem to want to down play it because it is not likely to live up to the fears that have been ginned up over it.

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Take care not to get stuck into a doom-mood, instead we must take the courage to trust that each of us will get the means to overcome the genetic manipulation and other coercive measures.

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I am in a doom mood and have been for at least 3 years.

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Same, but for many years more (I'm older than you, as you know). "Facing reality" is a habit of mine. So is self-preservation and protection of family.

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